10 WOMAN ARTISTS 1900-1960
Since 1900, there were excellent woman artists, but for decennia, they never got any recognition. In 2018, it was discovered that the 1917 masterpiece « Fountain » by Marcel Duchamp was conceived by a woman, Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven. Duchamp knew this very well, but he usurped her work as being his creation until his death in 1984. During her lifetime, Frida Kahlo was known as a «naive» or «surrealist» painter, because her female themes were incomprehensible to men. She was well known for being the wife of Diego Rivera, but had no merit for her own work. During the XXth century, men led the artistic establishment and directed museums, galleries and collections. They wrote the books and criticism on art. Sonia Delaunay, Georgia O’Keeffe, Lee Krasner, Agnès Martin, the Italian artist Dadamaino and others only knew a certain rehabilitation as of the ‘80’s, thanks to feminism. This talk tells the story of 10 brave woman artists between 1900- 1960, who kept on working against all odds, without ever receiving much recognition, praise or money.
An eye-opener how some woman artist were forgotten and rediscovered at last…